Edmunds Jansons - Little Bird's Diary
Kondas Centre of Naive and Outsider Art
20 July - 30 November 2014
Curator Gregor Taul
Edmunds Jansons' documentary animation film is based on unique drawings from the diary of Irina Pilke (1925–2011), encompassing a period from the end of WWII until the 1980s. These drawings, where the author appears as a little bird, depict everything around her. The exhibition showed both Jansons's film and Pilke's drawings.
Exhibition text in English:
Little Bird's Diary
The first Latvian documentary-animation film is based on unique drawings from the diary of Irina Pilke (1925–2011), encompassing a period from the end of WWII until the 1980s. These drawings, where the author appears as a little bird, depict everything around her. Irina's observations of everyday life in her drawings are vital, slightly ironical of the period. She seemed to accept life as it was in the Soviet time, and made no attempt to depict anything as overtly political or ideological. And yet that period's absurdities are clear from the daily, social and political details in her drawings.
The author of the animation, Edmunds Jansons (b. 1972) has studied TV directing at the Latvian Academy of Culture, animation at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography and the Estonian Academy of Arts. His master’s project at the latter was a 5-minute animated film International Father’s Day (2012), which was acknowledged by the jury at the Holland Animation Film Festival in 2013. Jansons received the Grand Prix at the 15th Tallinn Print Triennial for the Small Bird’s Diary, which was completed in 2007. This film has received the prize for best Baltic film at the Riga International Film Forum Arsenals (2008) and the award for best animation at the Euroasia Teleforum in Moscow (2008).
This animation was born as a co-operation between Edmunds Jansons and Irina Pilke.
***Exhibition text in Estonian:
Väikese linnukese päevik
Sel näitusel esitleme Irina Pilke (1925–2011) päevikujoonistuste põhjal valminud animatsiooni, mille autoriks on läti režissöör, operaator ja graafiline disainer Edmunds Jansons (snd 1972). Irina Pilke töötas terve elu ühes Riia elektroonikatehases tõlgina. Nõukogude aja pidas ta päevikut, kuhu igapäevaselt joonistas juhtumisi oma elu-olust. Pilke esineb joonistustel linnukesena, kes elurõõmsalt ja lapsemeelseltki, kuid siiski tajutava irooniameelega peegeldab ajastu absurdi, sassis sotsiaalseid ja poliitilisi suhteid.
Edmunds Jansons on õppinud telerežiid Läti Kultuuriakadeemias, animatsiooni Üle-Venemaalises Filmiülikoolis ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemias. Tema magistritööks EKAs oli viieminutiline joonisfilm “Rahvusvaheline isadepäev” (2012), mis leidis žüriipoolse äramärkimise Hollandi Animafestivalil ja võitis parima lühifilmi auhinna Kuker Animafestivalil Sofias, Bulgaarias (mõlemad 2013). Tallinna XV Graafikatriennaali peaauhind tuli Jansonsile just nimelt 2007. a. valminud “Väikese linnukese päeviku” eest. Läti esimest animeeritud dokumentaalfilmi on saatnud suur edu: seda on auhinnatud parima balti filmi auhinnaga Riia Rahvusvahelisel Filmifoorumil Arsenals (2008), parima animatsiooni preemiaga Euroaasia Telefoorumil Moskvas (2008) ning seda on näidatud kümnetel näitustel ja festivalidel üle maailma.
Animatsioon sündis Edmunds Jansonsi ja Irina Pilke koostöös.
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