Writing, curating and teaching on art and architecture

Nida Doctoral School

Nida Doctoral School  is the initiative of the brillian Nida Art Colony brought to life by the Vilnius Academy of Arts. NDS is tailored for doctoral students in visual and performing arts, design and architecture. However, there are also limited places for students within the humanities and social sciences if their research is related to arts, design and architecture. The programme comprises seven day-long intensive courses organised once a year.

2017 edition (20-27 August) was entitled Tweezers and Squeezers: Methodological Approaches and Research Methods in Art, Design and Architecture:

The fifth Nida Doctoral School (NDS) brought together a multidisciplinary group of practice and theory-based doctoral candidates researching different topics in the context of the visual and performing arts, design and architecture, sharing the common goal of completing a doctoral degree, to discuss and develop the methodological framework of their research projects. NDS provides a platform for dialogue and the exchange of ideas, as well as a space for sharing feedback and peer support. The aim of NDS 2017 was to focus on research methods and on the development of methodological skills and approaches, and to provide critical feedback from distinguished international tutors.

During the 20 something years that I have been involved in a 'schooling environment' this was one of the best experiences I ever had. The quality of the keynote lectures was world-class, the space itself was extraordinary, the colleagues from other PhD programmes were exciting and amiable – in every sense I gained so much from these 7 days! As all the participants I gave a 20 minute talk on my PhD work which was followed by 40 minutes of top-notch discussion!

Lisbon Summer School: War of Monuments" in Estonia: Cold, Hot and Monumental Translations
Outsider Architecture

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