Writing, curating and teaching on art and architecture

TASE 2012

TASE 2012 - EKA MA Degree Show
Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Estonian Knighthood House
1-17 June 2012
Co-ordinator Gregor Taul
Graphic designer Epp Õlekõrs
Exhibitors Signe Aasoja, Anna Aleksejeva, Kairit Annus, Eike Einama, Kristiina Hansen, Edmuns Jansons, Anneli Jalava, Hille Karm, Lauri Koppel, Kerli Kurikka, Kristi Laanemäe, Miina Leesment, Mattias Mälk, Liisi Napp, Ann Nurga, Maarja Nurk, Karin Paris, Piret Puppart, Kaie Pungas, Kärt Põldmann, Inga Radikainen, Peeter Rästa, Sille Sarapuu, Heleri Alexandra Sits, Kristi Soe, Krõõt Tarkmeel, Katrin Trumm, Aet Tera, Helen Unt, Magnus Vulp

TASE ('level, 'ran', 'standing' in English) is the annual spring festival of the Estonian Academy of Arts which is centred around the MA degree exhibition showcasing the master's projects of students of Fine Arts, Design, Architecture and Art and Culture Faculty. The MA degree show is complemented by the traditional ERKI fashion show, solo-exhibitions by BA and MA students, artist talks and publicly open MA thesis defences. 

In 2012 I co-ordinated the MA degree show of Fine Arts and Design Faculty students at the Estonian Knighthood House. 


Augustas Serapinas Jõusaal / Gym

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